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Community Day

Toronto Humane Society’s Community Day has evolved into a crucial resource for pet parents in the community, addressing the growing challenge of affording pet care essentials amidst rising living costs. As financial burdens continue to mount, Toronto Humane Society remains committed to ensuring that the human-animal bond remains unbroken, irrespective of economic challenges. 

Examples of items available free of charge at Community Day events include pet food, pet supplies such as food and water bowls, leashes, pet apparel, carriers, pet gates, pet toys, pet beds, and blankets. 

The Pet Food Bank, which operates daily, and the monthly Community Day events, serve as a lifeline for pet parents, alleviating the burden of choosing between their own well-being and that of their beloved pets. Toronto Humane Society firmly believes that no pet should go hungry or be separated from their families due to financial difficulties. 

The importance of Community Days cannot be overstated. They serve as a beacon of hope for pet parents facing financial hardships, reinforcing the idea that their pets are valued members of the community. 

Community Days are held once a month, at our 11 River Street location on the second Wednesday of every month. For upcoming dates and times, please refer to our calendar of events. Food and supplies are available on a first come, first served basis and while supplies last. 

Community Day is available to families facing financial difficulties. Whether you’re experiencing a temporary setback, unexpected expenses, or a period of unemployment, we’re here to help bridge the gap and ensure that your pet’s needs are met.  

Visit Toronto Humane Society at 11 River Street during our Community Day events, held once monthly on the second Wednesday of every month. Please note that Community Day operates solely from generous donations from our community. While we strive to offer a variety of options, it’s important to note that our inventory varies depending on the donations we receive. 

Our Commitment

Toronto Humane Society remains steadfast in its commitment to assisting both pets and their families. Through initiatives like Community Day, we strive to guarantee that every pet receives the care and compassion they deserve, irrespective of their family’s financial situation. The impact of Community Day continues to expand, becoming an essential resource within our community. Please see our monthly impact reports below. 

Join Us in Making a Difference

If you’re passionate about helping pets in need, please consider contributing to Community Day through donations of pet supplies, unopened bags of pet food, or monetary contributions. Community Days are fully supported by donations, making your support more crucial in sustaining this vital service. 

If you wish to donate pet supplies or pet food, please drop off your donations to 11 River Street during our operating hours. We welcome your support in helping us continue this vital service. 

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