Marty - Happy Tails - Toronto Humane Society


| May 15, 2022
Happy Tails

We adopted Marty (formerly Martin) on December 29.

He had, unfortunately, been adopted and returned twice to the shelter within 2 weeks before we got to him. We have now had him for around 6 weeks and couldn’t imagine life without him.

Morgan helped us with the adoption process and was really clear about the challenges that we would potentially face us with him. While there have been some hard days, I can tell you with total certainty that he is a super smart, gentle, loving dog who is very eager to learn.

He now knows “sit,” “stay,” and “come here.” He sits outside every door and waits to be called out. He can sleep through the night, in his crate, with no issues. He hasn’t even had a potty accident in over 3 weeks! We are totally in love with him.

He even has own Instagram, @martytherescuehound!

If you would like to share your Happy Tail on our website and social media, please send us a photo and story at