Adoption Hero


Meet the dynamic trio - Jose, Panchito, and Donald! These super-friendly and outgoing male rats are ready to bring joy and companionship into your life. From the moment you meet them, their vibrant personalities shine through. Always curious and full of energy, they are sure to keep you entertained with their playful antics. Jose, Panchito, and Donald share a strong bond with each other, creating a close-knit and affectionate group. Their camaraderie is heartwarming to witness, and they're equally excited to extend their friendship to their future human companions. These rats love interacting with people. Whether it's scampering around their play area or eagerly approaching for treats, Jose, Panchito, and Donald are social butterflies. Providing them with a stimulating environment filled with toys and tunnels will keep these active rats engaged and happy. Their friendly and outgoing nature makes them wonderful companions for individuals or families seeking delightful small pets. Rats are social animals, and this trio would need regular interaction and playtime with their human family. If you're looking for interactive and affectionate small pets, Jose, Panchito, and Donald are the perfect match!
Animal ID: 2000075407
Species: Small&Furry
Breed: Rat,Rat
Age: 7 Months
Sex: Male
Size: M
Colour: White /
Spayed/Neutered: No
Declawed: No
Site: Toronto Humane Society
Location: Room F
Intake Date: 11/01/2024
On Hold: No
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