Adoption Hero


Introducing Donald, Jose, and Panchito, a trio of male rats brimming with curiosity and charm. These adorable rodents are housed together and, while slightly skittish, they are incredibly curious creatures. During visits, offering them tiny pieces of treats allows them to warm up to you at their own pace. Donald, inquisitive by nature, showed his gentle side during a snack session, while Jose and Panchito exhibited varying degrees of bravery and curiosity. Although initially hiding upon arrival, they quickly emerged to explore and enjoy the treats provided. While squabbles over food items may arise between Donald and Jose, overall, they display friendliness and curiosity, eagerly investigating their surroundings and even venturing close to visitors. With patience and gentle encouragement, Donald, Jose, and Panchito are sure to make delightful companions for anyone willing to appreciate their unique personalities and playful antics.
Animal ID: 2000075410
Species: Small&Furry
Breed: Rat,Rat
Age: 7 Months
Sex: Male
Size: M
Colour: White /
Spayed/Neutered: No
Declawed: No
Site: Toronto Humane Society
Location: Room F
Intake Date: 11/01/2024
On Hold: No
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