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Meet Honey and Snuggles: The Dynamic Bunny Duo

Introducing Honey and Snuggles, a sweet pair of bunnies who arrived at the shelter together.

These adorable buns have big hearts and tons of personality. Snuggles is a curious little explorer who can be a bit more outgoing, though both have been known to munch on almost anything you offer.

Honey and Snuggles adore their cozy tunnel, where they often snuggle together and play hide-and-seek. When visitors come, it's best to take things slow and give them some space. Sitting quietly nearby or chatting softly can be the perfect way to help them feel comfortable. They're great at sniffing out treats, and once they get to know you, they might even hop over for some delicious veggie goodies to eat from your hand.

If you're looking for a pair of loving bunnies, Honey and Snuggles could be the perfect match.
Animal ID: 2000159449
Species: Rabbit
Breed: Dwarf,American
Age: 2 Years 7 Months
Sex: Female
Size: L
Colour: Chocolate / White
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Declawed: No
Site: Toronto Humane Society
Location: Room G
Intake Date: 31/07/2024
On Hold: No
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