Adoption Hero


Introducing Bunderful and Bunstoppable the simply irresistible bunnies with beautiful coats! These sisters are a friendly pair - with Bunstoppable being the slightly more shy bun of the two. Bunstoppable is a busy girl, she loves to play with her toys, and is a professional when it comes to bunstruction. She loves to chew on cardboard boxes, chew sticks, and her wide variety of enrichment toys. She's very food motivated - and will even steal pieces of lettuce from her sister when she's not looking! The pair is currently enjoying free roaming privileges in their foster home. Bunstoppable spends her days lounging in comfy spots, playing with her toys, and exploring new places and objects. These beautiful girls are very busy - and enjoy a variety of toys - especially ones they can chew on. If left unattended for a long period of time, they will find ways to get into things - so bunny-proofing your house is a must. If you're looking for a bonded pair to bring warmth and joy to your life, look no further than Bunderful and Bunstoppable.
Animal ID: 52291299
Species: Rabbit
Breed: American,American
Age: 3 Years 9 Months
Sex: Female
Size: M
Colour: Black / Grey
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Declawed: No
Site: Toronto Humane Society
Location: Fosters
Intake Date: 22/03/2023
On Hold: No
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