Together, We Can Fill More Belies This Giving Tuesday 

| November 17, 2023

Giving Tuesday stands out as the pinnacle of generosity. While the official day falls on November 28th, Toronto Humane Society is extending the spirit of giving throughout the entire month to raise awareness about the pressing crisis gripping our city – a crisis that affects not only people but also our beloved four-legged friends. 

As the costs of life’s necessities continue to soar, the impact is felt by everyone. Pet families are feeling twice the sting as expenses related to veterinary care, pet food, and basic supplies have reached unprecedented heights, pushing many families into difficult decisions: should they put food on their plates or in their pet’s bowls?  

Toronto Humane Society’s Pet Food Bank is on a mission to alleviate this burden on pet families. Pet parents can visit the facility, located at 11 River Street, without fear of judgment or invasive questions when asking for pet food. 

As Giving Tuesday approaches, we invite you to be a vital part of the solution. Your generosity can make a tangible difference in the lives of both pets and their families. By joining forces, we can ensure that more bellies are filled, more tails wag, and more families find relief during these challenging times. 

Donate today.