Be a Halloween Hero: Treat Pets and Support Your Community

| October 13, 2023

As the autumn leaves fall and the air becomes crisp, Halloween is just around the corner. This season is filled with costumes, candy, and celebration, but there’s one more meaningful item that deserves a spot on your Halloween list: sharing the Halloween spirit with those who need it most. 

This year, you can be a Halloween hero by visiting Toronto Humane Society’s Halloween e-store and sending Halloween goody bags filled with necessary veterinary care, treats, and toys to animals in need. With your support, you can help all animals enjoy a safe and special Halloween this year. 

How You Can Be a Halloween Hero 

Becoming a Halloween hero is a simple process: 

  1. Visit Toronto Humane Society’s Halloween e-store.
  2. Browse the selection of Halloween goody bags with treats, toys, and wellness services.
  3. Select a goody bag to send to an animal waiting to be adopted. Some goody bags come pre-packaged with the option to also send a wellness service, such as a vaccine or wellness exam, to an animal in need in our community.
  4. Complete your purchase knowing that your contribution is making a difference in the lives of animals. 

Halloween is not only a time for humans to celebrate but also an opportunity to extend love and compassion to animals in need. By sending a Halloween goody bag from Toronto Humane Society’s e-store, you can be a Halloween hero by helping animals in need and contributing to the well-being of animals throughout the community. Your support will bring joy to those who need it the most, creating a safer and happier Halloween for all.