Mexico’s Senate, in a unanimous decision, passed a federal bill to ban animal testing for cosmetics. The new law also “bans the manufacture, import and marketing of cosmetics tested on animals elsewhere in the world.”
This significant step forward is the culmination of years of advocacy and campaigning by Humane Society International/Mexico, ONG Te Protejo, and other advocates. For example, Humane Society International’s stop-motion animated film, Save Ralph, was a viral hit and helped raise awareness and inspire action.
Canada’s Bill S-214 (the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act) was introduced in 2015 to make cosmetic tests on animals illegal. It would prohibit cosmetic animal testing and the sale of cosmetics developed or manufactured using cosmetic animal testing.
You may be surprised to learn that despite being brought forward in 2015, today, in 2021, the bill has not yet been passed into law. It moved through the Senate quickly, but once it landed in the House of Commons, it stalled at its Second Reading. Despite most Canadians supporting an end to cosmetic testing, the bill remains in legislative limbo.
What can you do? First, you can spread the word with friends and family. You will find that many people will be surprised that a) Canada has not banned cosmetic testing and b) legislation exists but has not yet been passed. You can also reach out to your local representatives, urging them to pass Bill S-214..
Learn more about cosmetic testing below.
A cruel and deadly practice
Under cosmetic testing, animals are subjected to slow, systematic torture. This includes:
(from Humane Society International and Humane Society of the United States)
It is a cruel and outdated practice that has no place in the 21st century. Cruelty-free products are a safe and, from a business standpoint, a smart alternative, considering most Canadians support cruelty-free legislation. It is time we put pressure on our leaders to act and join the growing number of governments around the world in banning this terrible practice.
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