Happy Tails Tandy and Carol

Tandy and Carol

| January 15, 2024
Happy Tails

I literally could not have invented better cats in a lab if I tried. They are bizarrely polite except for the rather odd habit of licking my neck in the middle of the night, which delights them both to no end. They’re learning new things every day, including how to sneak into the fridge and get stuck behind the vegetable crisper. They love my bed but hate the bathroom.

Carol enjoys causing situations but she does not like to be in them. Tandy is possessed by the ghost of Chris Farley. They have not perfected the art of face bumps but they are trying so, so hard and very often. Their favourite pastime is sitting next to me on the couch, pretzeled together, purring endlessly. Thank you again for letting me take them home!

If you would like to share your Happy Tail on our website and social media, please send us a photo and story at happytails@torontohumanesociety.com.