Apollo - Humane Champion


| April 6, 2022

Apollo came to Toronto Humane Society with a history of demodicosis. Demodicosis, more commonly known as mange, is a skin condition caused by a parasitic mite that lives in the hair follicles. Symptoms include patches of hair loss and red or inflamed skin. 

During his intake examination, our medical team found he was underweight and had moderate, waxy discharge from his ears. 

Apollo was given ear drops, medication for mange, a special shampooing (which would be done twice a week), and his flea and tick medication. He was prescribed a special diet to help him gain weight.  

When further tests showed that Apollo had hookworm and roundworm, he was given medication to treat those parasites.  

Apollo was cleared for adoption by our medical team, but his foster family decided that he already found his forever home with them and they adopted him.  

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