A successful story from our Humane Champion program


| October 11, 2023

Hazel came into our care in July.  She was rescued by a caring person who found her abandoned and tied up to a tree in a park on a hot day.  Our veterinary team estimated her to be about 5-years-old, treated her for possible heat stroke and gave her a full medical exam. 

They found she was underweight, needed to be spayed, and was suffering from an infection causing skin lesions and alopecia.  Hazel was given eye drops, ear drops, and oral medication to help her heal, and over the past two months has become a new dog.  She is friendly, gentle, loves to play fetch, and feels most content around people.

Because of Ontario’s breed-specific-legislation, we’ve been working with partner organizations to secure Hazel a home outside of Ontario.  We are happy to say that Hazel is currently on a road trip to British Columbia, where she will meet her adoptive family. 

Be a Humane Champion monthly donor and change lives. Together we can continue to nurture the human-animal bond by directly supporting shelter care, training, education, and vet services. Your generosity means animals will live the life they were meant to live.