Happy Tails - Remy


| August 11, 2023
Happy Tails

Remy is doing great in her new forever home and after some adjustments, her sister Sinatra (Madison) is finally realizing Remy is here for good and is warming up to her little sister. Remy has already lost some weight and is going on 4 walks a day and is learning her manners when greeting other dogs. We are also working on her mouthing when she is overly excited, which has been going well. She now understands and listens to “gentle”. We are very happy with her fast progress and how she already has so much trust! When it comes to people, we still have work to do as she gets really nervous and scared around strangers. We are trying to socialize her as much as we can without overwhelming her too much!

If you would like to share your Happy Tail on our website and social media, please send us a photo and story at happytails@torontohumanesociety.com.