Since 1887, we have been governed and led by a number of voluntary and passionate individuals, committed to helping animals, improving their welfare and building a more humane society. Over the course of our history, we have seen many different projects, programs, facilities and initiatives, but one thing has remained the same – the desire and drive of our Board of Directors, to help animals.
Our passion needs structure and guidance to ensure the best results and at our organization, we remain governed by a skilled, and passionate Board of Directors, in the same democratic way we were governed in 1887. Supporting and outlining our operational mandate, are our organizational By-Laws which legally outline our governance practices.
Our Board is made up of 15 Directors who volunteer their time, knowledge and expertise to guide, lead and govern our organization. Our Board of Directors meet monthly as a group to discuss, vote and address items related to our strategic plan and direction, while ensuring that our organization continues to move forward and Improve the Lives of Animals.
President: Josh Shanahan
Chair: Adrienne Macdonald
Vice-President: Nabila Tisha
Secretary: Gary Milakovic
Assistant Secretary: Marcie Somers
To support the Board, our governance structure also includes many committees that work to address more specific areas including reviewing, debating and discussing topics and items essential to our on-going work. As well, committees make recommendations and provide direction and support back to the Board as a whole. Committee membership is generally made up of Board Directors who have a passion and specific skill set that benefits the focus of each committee, with work additionally supported by staff.
Adrienne Macdonald (Chair)
Alexandre Rochtchine (Assistant Treasurer)Â
Damian Creber (Treasurer)
Gary Milakovic (Secretary)
Marcie Somers (Assistant Secretary)
Nabila Tisha (Vice President)
Roxanne Yanofsky (Assistant Treasurer)
The Animal Welfare Committee is a standing Committee of Toronto Humane Society’s Board of Directors, constituted for the purpose of ensuring active engagement of the Board in animal welfare matters, in keeping with the objects of our organization.
Animal Welfare Committee
Liz Everett (Director at Large)
Mark Dilworth (Director at Large)
Jing Lang (Member at Large)
Krista Bulmer (Member at Large)
Non-Voting Members
Charissa Lai (Director at Large)
The Audit & Finance Committee is responsible for the oversight and reporting to Toronto Humane Society Board of Directors with respect to pertinent areas of finance and administration of the organization and ensures that Toronto Humane Society remains fiscally responsible, compliant and exercises strong and sound financial practices.
Damian Creber (Treasurer)Â
Alexandre Rotchtchine (Assistant Treasurer)Â
Charissa Lai (Director)
Roxanne Yanofsky (Assistant Treasurer)Â
The Development Committee is a standing Committee of Toronto Humane Society’s Board of Directors constituted for the purpose of ensuring active engagement of the Board in monitoring policy for, and directly supporting ongoing fundraising activities of Toronto Humane Society.
Christina Di Rosa (Director)
Damian Creber (Director)
Nicole Jacobs (Member at Large)
The Governance Committee is responsible for making recommendations to Toronto Humane Society’s Board of Directors on all governance and strategic issues. It also has a responsibility to stay abreast of best governance practices and implement these where appropriate with respect to the organization’s affairs.
David Bronskill (Director)
Julie Barac (Director)
Liz Everett (Director)
The Facilities Committee is responsible for ensuring that the owned physical property of Toronto Humane Society is being soundly managed and maintained. The facilities committee also makes recommendations to Toronto Humane Society’s Board of Directors on all property and facility matters related to the strategic direction of the organization.
Malcolm Bernstein (Member at Large)
The nomination period for the 2024 Board of Directors is now closed. Check back in Spring 2025 for the next nomination period. Visit for updates on the Annual General Meeting. Email us at if you have questions.
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